Katharina Hirsch, owner, steward
August 2009 this land was placed into my care. With its hillside, wetlands, animal, plant and mineral life, it radiates a great deal of peace. By living here, a new adventure began for me and I imagine that my new job is to sit and listen, acting as facilitator for what wants to emerge here.
Part of my vision is to restore the wetlands and grasslands to their natural form. Another part of the vision is to create a place of AWE (Awareness, Wellness, Exploration).
I imagine this vision only comes to fruition when community builds around this idea. I am working together with Sepp Holzer (also known as the rebel farmer), to reinstate the wetlands; enlarging ponds so wildlife can harmoniously reestablish itself. Please look at his website under "Friends" to find out more about Sepp.
Apart from acting as the steward of the land my work here includes facilitating the process of "coming home", the process of reconnecting to Self, which includes physical wellness as one aspect of harmony within the body mind complex.
Inquiry, healing Touch and artistic expression is the name of my game.
All that I am, I bring to the work at hand as it is needed.
My background includes:
Qi Gong (Oregon College for oriental Medicine)
BodyTalk (Intl. BodyTalk Assoc.)
Primal Therapy (Primal Institute)
Radical Honesty( Please click on "Friends")
Empowerment through Masks.
Facilitation, Communication Seminars
Home schooling Project
Make Up Artist for Film and Stage (20 Years)
Music: Singing, Songwriting
And last but not least:
Mother of 2 wonderful young men.
To set up an appt or find out more about my services please click on products and services on this website
check out my personal website: